The 2023 - 2024 Review has ended!! AP Review will begin on February 1st on Instagram. You will find many of resources on this website that can help you to be successful this school year. Navigation can be conducted through the menus at the top of the screen or through linked images below.
Based on 2024 AP Bio Penguins feedback, the most useful tools are:
If you have any requests, please contact me using the contact form.
Based on 2024 AP Bio Penguins feedback, the most useful tools are:
If you have any requests, please contact me using the contact form.
All of my materials are provided to you for FREE.
If you would like to thank me for my materials, I have a venmo account (@apbiopenguins). This is NOT REQUIRED, but since individuals have asked I wanted to set up a way. A great idea would be to donate your score, so it's a reasonable donation with a maximum of $5. Again, I provide my materials to you for FREE, so it is not required. In addition, I have a ko-fi account set-up so you can "buy me a coffee": but the company will get a small component of the donation. The Quick Quizizz games are able to be open with no deadline due to purchasing the paid subscription with donations from the 2023-2024 year. The sticker shop is currently opened through September 27th to get an AP Bio Penguin sticker: |
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AP Practice Exam Calculator
This Practice Exam calculator is based on the 2020 Practice Exam. I designed this for the students taking the practice exam with me, so you will use the MC/FRQ exam that you took to calculate on the Grade Calc tab.
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