Access the Quizizz Games using the following codes at Quizizz
Thanks to a generous donation - I purchased the paid version of Quizizz, so these have no deadline. They can stay open for 6 months past the last person who participates.
Note: I just found out they have a maximum of 1000 players, so if you get that error message please let me know. Codes are updated when I reach 1000 (and know) so double check your code to ensure that your "does not work" isn't due to a closed game that reached 1000 participants. I am going add back-up codes to the list when we get close (>800). If you are unable to access a game, please check the back-up codes and let me know. Note: If you are looking for a game topic and you do not see it, please let me know so I can build for you. |
Did you get this error?This code only has 4 digits. The quizizz game codes are 8 digits long.
In addition, sometimes when you copy and paste - the code gives you an error. Try typing the code into the code box. Quizizz Game DescriptionsCED Review Quizizz: These quizizz games were designed by reading the CED and writing questions directly from the standards.
They are approximately 20 questions long. Quick Quizizz: These quizizz games are designed to be "quick" and are usually 10 questions long. Topic Quizizz: These games have the same questions as the Insta-Review to guide your through topic specific practice of your content knowledge. |
CED Review Quizizz
Unit 1 Review (CED):
15451888 Quick Quizizz
Topic Quizizz
Unit 1 Insta-Review
102 Qs: 25194888 Random 10 Qs: 60155144
CED Review Quizizz
Unit 2 Review (CED):
53033360 09941384 Quick Quizizz
Topic Quizizz
Unit 2 Insta-Review
180 Qs: 82263336 43757960 Random 10 Qs: 84828428
CED Review Quizizz
Unit 3 Review (CED):
54781192 Quick Quizizz
Topic Quizizz
Unit 3 Insta-Review
128 Qs: 20557456 Random 10 Qs: 00680800
CED Review Quizizz
Unit 4 Review (CED):
36745480 Quick Quizizz
Topic Quizizz
Unit 4 Insta-Review
107 Qs: 58785168 50246024 Random 10 Qs: 98498397
Changes in Signal Transduction Pathways 93565985 |
CED Review Quizizz
Unit 5 Review (CED):
02077064 Quick Quizizz
Topic Quizizz
Unit 5 Insta-Review
106 Qs: 87396785 Random 10 Qs: 67645027
CED Review Quizizz
Unit 6 Review (CED):
70117129 Quick Quizizz
Topic Quizizz
Unit 6 Insta-Review
193 Qs: 76911356 Random 10 Qs: 80615824
CED Review Quizizz
Unit 7 Review (CED):
99755821 Quick Quizizz
Topic Quizizz
Unit 7 Insta-Review
223 Qs: 78770223 Random 10 Qs: 82474691
CED Review Quizizz
Unit 8 Review (CED):
96679328 Quick Quizizz
Topic Quizizz
Unit 8 Insta-Review
127 Qs: 71373079 Random 10 Qs: 67670085
FRQ Task Verbs:
73231946 Scientific Critique: 69528952 Experimental Design: 77554071 Data Analysis: 73233420 Graph Types: 72617237 |
Released Exams:
2013 AP Exam:
80643830 |
94,822 clicks
163.1K games played
94,822 clicks
163.1K games played